Wednesday, March 10, 2010


From the memoirs of...
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Unwinding...In Full Speed...

There are several things I would like to address on my blog, but the main focus is the everyday experiences one encounters as a student and the things learned everyday. Whether it be researching EBSCOHOST or learning a new 'cool tool,' documenting what is learned will help organize it all. It is still in progress, however, please feel free to comment any of your experiences.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Socialize or Business...The Uses of Cool Tools

How many new cool tools are out there do you suppose? Many, I'm sure. Which are the easiest to use? Social tools such as Facebook and MySpace are here, yet Tagged is here too. How many "identities" must one create? This blog entry, I hope, will entail information about cool tools used by users and which may be up and coming. Web 2.0 tools are being used in higher education and some K-12. Are they in your schools? (UH, I know, but in other schools you are affiliated with). Please list tools used by yourself, your students, your collegues, or your work and how they are used; social, business, either, or neither. Thank you for your input. Maybe there will be some tools listed you've never heard of that may be YOUR next experience.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Joy of Reading...peer reviewed articles

AAAH! The 'Tech Trek'...the continuing unexplored arena in my world. One would assume reading is meant for leisure, but in the world of a student, reading is like, well, never ending knowledge crammed into one's brain hoping it finds a place to fit and be remembered later on for that project or paper. Learning about new and innovative ways that have been around for years now, yet are still left to be discovered by yours truly is scary yet enjoyable. New discoveries unfold each time an article is researched and OMG! not found when pressing the "find it" button! What to do next. Time is of essence. Do I go to another article, or follow the process, which typically leads to the ILL (Inter Library Loan)? If waiting a few days is not of utter despair, then the final receipt of the long awaited article is worth the effort. Fortunately, there are professors who provide a URL to a particular article and simply say, or write, "read it" in some other way or form.